What’s in a Mermaid?

I recently participated in a virtual training program  called Metaphor Magic, designed and facilitated by Lily Seto. (I first met Lily at my TPLC training in Banff last April and we have connected several times since for “coffee dates” on Zoom; she sits at her desk on Vancouver Island while I am at mine here in west Edmonton!) Today I thought I would share my first impressions of the course.

Lily designed this tool to complement a coaching technique that encourages meaning-making with metaphors or analogy. As she suggests – and I have discovered- sometimes clients find helpful awareness in connecting seemingly unrelated objects or considering identifiable traits of an object. In educational terms, this style of appreciative inquiry builds on what is affirmative, observable and brings forth unexpected learning. These small iconic charms are easily transportable and seem to spark endless conversation.

For example, in the first exercise Lily asked me to choose a charm that represented my personality in coaching. What jumped out for me?

I chose a mermaid. 

The mermaid for me is a symbol of feminine power; a creature that is capable of moving in a fluid environment and she has an impeccable sense of timing – she only appears when appropriate. She is playful, wise and fiercely independent. (I like that my mermaid is rather well clad – the seductive element is not so pronounced!) I do feel there is a part of my coaching that is intuitive; some days I have no idea why or how things unfold the way they do! My mermaid is very agile, attentive and sincere. She has a balanced sense of grace and strength. I’d like to think some of those qualities are reflected in me as well – or at least they are healthy aspirations!

The workshop encompassed a variety of reflective tasks. Each time I was asked to sort, choose, place things on the mat – a new level of clarity emerged for me. (I was entirely engaged as a kinesthetic and visual learner!)  In fact, I have now been coached in this method many times and I am excited to recognize that the possibilities and outcomes are endless.

It is amazing to me the insights that are coming from this collection of 20 little silver charms: a monkey, door key, gemstone, clock, mermaid – just to name a few. The mind is a wonderful thing and although I am not well-versed in neuroscience by any means, I can appreciate the concept that this creative exercise is building new pathways of understanding in many ways.


From where you are sitting, what one object that you can see encompasses your personality at work or school? What are the qualities you identify as being similar to you; what do you notice about the object that you haven’t noticed before?